
Install GDAPS in your Python virtual environment. If you want to create plugins, install cookiecutter too.

pip install gdaps cookiecutter

Create a Django application as usual: django-admin startproject myproject.

First, set a variable named PROJECT_NAME.

PROJECT_NAME = "myproject"

This is a (machine) name for your project. Django itself does not provide such a name. It will be used in various places. Must be a valid python identifier.


PROJECT_NAME is roughly what Django means with ROOT_URLCONF[0], but GDAPS requires it to be set explicitly.

Now add “gdaps” to the INSTALLED_APPS section, and add a special line below it:

from gdaps.pluginmanager import PluginManager

    # ... standard Django apps and GDAPS
# The following line is important: It loads all plugins from setuptools
# entry points and from the directory named 'myproject.plugins':
INSTALLED_APPS += PluginManager.find_plugins(PROJECT_NAME + ".plugins")

You can use whatever you want for your plugin path, but we recommend that you use “<PROJECT_NAME>.plugins” here to make things easier. Basically, this is all you really need so far, for a minimal working GDAPS-enabled Django application. See Usage for how to use GDAPS.

URL handling

Now add the URL path for GDAPS, so it can add plugins’ URLs automatically to the global urlpattern.

from gdaps.pluginmanager import PluginManager

urlpatterns = PluginManager.urlpatterns() + [
    # ... add your fixed URL patterns here, like "admin/", etc.

This way each plugin can have an urlpatterns variable in, and all are merged together. However, by now, the plugin order is not determined, so urlpatterns too are not in a deterministically determined order. This could lead to problems, depending on your application design, so keep that in mind when designing plugins.


Django does not write loggings to the command line automatically. GDAPS uses various levels of logging. It is recommended that you create a LOGGING section in for GDAPS:

    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "handlers": {"console": {"class": "logging.StreamHandler"}},
    "loggers": {
        "gdaps": {"handlers": ["console"], "level": "INFO", "propagate": True},

This will output all GDAPS log messages to the console.