
Creating plugins

If you use git in your project, install the gitpython module (pip install gitpython). startplugin will determine your git user/email automatically and use it.

Create a plugin using a Django management command:

./ startplugin fooplugin

This command asks a few questions, creates a basic Django app in the plugin path chosen in PluginManager.find_plugins(). It provides useful defaults as well as a file.

You now have two choices for this plugin:

Static plugins

In most of the cases, you will ship your application with a few “standard” plugins that are statically installed. These plugins must be loaded after the gdaps app.

# ...

    # ... standard Django apps and GDAPS

    # put "static" plugins here too:

This plugin app is loaded as usual, but your GDAPS enhanced Django application can make use of it’s GDAPS features.

Dynamic plugins

By installing a plugin with pip, you can make your application aware of that plugin too:

pip install -e myproject/plugins/fooplugin

This installs the plugin as python module into the site-packages and makes it discoverable using setuptools. From this moment on it should be already registered and loaded after a Django server restart.

Of course this also works when plugins are installed from PyPi or from other directories, they don’t have to be in the project’s plugins folder. You can conveniently start developing plugins in there, and later move them into their own repository.

The plugin AppConfig

Plugins’ AppConfigs must provide an inner class named PluginMeta, or a so named attribute pointing to an external class. For more information see gdaps.apps.PluginMeta.


Plugins can define interfaces, which can then be implemented by other plugins. The cookiecutter template contains an <app_name>/api/ file automatically. It’s not obligatory to put all Interface definitions in api.interfaces, but it is a recommended coding style for GDAPS plugins:

from gdaps import Interface

class ITextRenderer:
    """Documentation of the interface"""

    __service__ = True  # is the default
    text_type = None

    def render(self):

Predefined attributes are:


If __service__ = True is set (which is the default), implementations are instantiated when registered. Iterating over the interface directly returns instances of the plugin.

for plugin in ITextRenderer:
    compiled_text = plugin.render()

If you use __service__ = False, the plugins are not instantiated at registration, and iterations over instances will return classes, not instances. This may be desired for reducing memory footprint, for data classes, or plugin classes that just contain static or class methods.

for plugin in INonServiceInterface:
    print(  # class attribute

    # if you need instances, you have to instantiate the plugin here.
    # this is not recommended.
    p = plugin()

Interfaces can not be inherited to create other interfaces. If you inherit from an interface, you create an Implementation.

If you want to create some similar interfaces, use Mixins:

class IQuackWalkMixin:
    def do_something(self):

    def walk(self):

class IDuck(IQuackWalkMixin):
    name = "Duck"

class IGoose(IQuackWalkMixin)
    name = "Goose"

This way you can create interfaces that inherit from one or more mixins.


You can then easily implement this interface in any other file (in this plugin or in another plugin) by subclassing the interface. Let’s imagine a simple interface for letting plugins modify persons after creating them in a view:

class IModifyPersonAfterCreate
    """Modify persons after creating them in a view"""
    def modify(self, person: Person):
        """modify the person"""

You can straight-forwardly use implementations that are bound to an interface by iterating over that interface, anywhere in your code - here in the CreateView of the main app:

from django.views.generic import CreateView
from myproject.plugins.fooplugin.api.interfaces import IModifyPersonAfterCreate

class CreatePersonView(CreateView):

    def form_valid(self, form):
        for plugin in IModifyPersonAfterCreate:

After defining an interface, any plugin found by GDAPS can implement this interface, let’s say we want to capitalize the first name of the person:

from myproject.plugins.fooplugin.api.interfaces import IModifyPersonAfterCreate

class PersonFirstnameCapitalizer(IModifyPersonAfterCreate):
    weight = 10

    def modify(self, person):
        person.first_name = person.first_name.capitalize()

Depending on the __service__ Meta flag, iterating over an Interface returns either a class (__service__ = False) or an instance (__service__ = True), which is the default.

Template support

Plugins usually provide not only interfaces for the backend, but also for the frontend. GDAPS supports plugin rendering in Django templates, which have to follow a certain pattern. Define your interface in the providing app, e.g. as usually in .api.interfaces, and let it inherit gdaps.api.interfaces.ITemplatePluginMixin. Don’t forget to document your interface, so that the implementor knows what to expect.

# main_app/api/

from gdaps.api import Interface
from gdaps.api.interfaces import ITemplatePluginMixin

class AnyItem(ITemplatePluginMixin):
    """Any list item, must contain a <li> element as root."""

This defines the plugin hook your plugins can implement. You have to follow a certain pattern here, or let your interface inherit from ITemplatePluginMixin, which helps your IDE with auto-suggestions. The mixin defines a few methods and attributes you can make use of:



A string that is rendered as Template. For simple & small templates, e.g. one-liners. If this attribute is present, it is used.


The usual django-like template name, where to find the template file within the templates directory, like “my_app/any_item.html” This attribute is used, if no template attribute is provided.


a dict that provides the context for template rendering. It updates the global context.

If you want to customize it further, see gdaps.api.interfaces.ITemplatePluginMixin

Now, in your other plugins, create the implementation:

# in plugin A

from main_app.api.interfaces import AnyItem

class SayFooItem(AnyItem):
    template = "<li>Foo!</li>"

# in plugin B

from main_app.api.interfaces import AnyItem

class SayBarItem(AnyItem):
    template = "<li>Bar!</li>"

render_plugin hook

Now in your main app’s template, render the plugins using the render_plugins tag, with the interface name as parameter:

{% load gdaps %}

<h1>Plugin sandbox</h1>
    {% render_plugins IAnyItem %}

That’s all. GDAPS finds any plugins implementing this interface and renders them, one after another, in place. In this example, the resulting HTML code would be:


As said before, the plugin templates can contain anything you like, not only <li> elements. You can use it for select options, cards on a dashboard, or whole page contents - it’s up to you.

Extending Django’s URL patterns

App URLs

App URLs are automatically detected by GDAPS/Django and put into your app’s namespace. First, you have to add a code fragment to your global file:

from gdaps.pluginmanager import PluginManager
urlpatterns = PluginManager.urlpatterns() + [
    # add your usual, fixed, non-plugin paths here.

GDAPS then loads and imports all available plugins’ files, collects their urlpatterns variables and merges them into your application’s global urlpattern, using your plugin’s app_name as namespace:

from .views import MyUrlView, SomeViewSet
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
# fooplugin/

app_name = "foo"

# This will be included under the "foo/" namespace
urlpatterns = [
    path("", TemplateView("foo/index.html").as_view(), name="index"),
    path("detail/", MyUrlView.as_view(), name="detail"),

    # ...

Global URLs

Sometimes, plugins need to provide top level URLs like /about GDAPS also lets your plugin create those global, not namespaced URLs easily by using the root_urlpatterns attribute in your plugin’s

app_name = "about"

# This will be merged into the global "/" urlpattern
root_urlpatterns = [
    path("about/", SomeViewSet.as_view(), name="api")

# and the ones under "/about/..."
urlpatterns =  [...]


Plugins are self-responsible for their URLs and namespaces, and that they don’t collide with others.

URL hooks

A third option which is a common pattern is that a plugin provides a “hook” under which other plugins can create sub-URLs. This is needed when you e.g. create an API, or a dashboard, or administration sites that should be pluggable. This is easy too with GDAPS. In your_app/api/interfaces, create a plugin interface:

class IDashboardURL:
    urlpatterns = []

This interface offers a urlpattern that is included dynamically into the dashboard.

In your global file, you can include the interface as dashboard/:

urlpatterns = [
for plugin in IDashboardURL:
    urlpatterns += plugin.urlpattern

Add an IDashBoardURL implementation to your plugin’s, and its urlpatterns will show up in the dashboard automatically:

# in myplugin
from your_app.api.interfaces import IDashboardURL
from . import views

class MyPluginDashboardURL(IDashboardURL):  # class name doesn't matter.
    urlpatterns = [
        path("about/", views.DashboardIndexView.as_view(), name="index/")

All patterns that are listed here are merged into the global .. _Settings:

Per-plugin Settings

GDAPS allows your application to have own settings for each plugin easily, which provide defaults, and can be overridden in the global file. Look at the example file (created by ./ startplugin fooplugin), and adapt to your needs:

from django.test.signals import setting_changed
from gdaps.conf import PluginSettings


# Optional defaults. Leave empty if not needed.
    "MY_SETTING": "somevalue",
    "FOO_PATH": "",
    "BAR": [

# Optional list of settings that are allowed to be in "string import" notation. Leave empty if not needed.

# Optional list of settings that have been removed. Leave empty if not needed.

fooplugin_settings = PluginSettings("FOOPLUGIN", None, DEFAULTS, IMPORT_STRINGS)

Detailed explanation:


The DEFAULTS are, as the name says, a default array of settings. If fooplugin_setting.BLAH is not set by the user in, this default value is used.


Settings in a dotted notation are evaluated, they return not the string, but the object they point to. If it does not exist, an ImportError is raised.


A list of settings that are forbidden to use. If accessed, an RuntimeError is raised.

This allows very flexible settings - as dependant plugins can easily import the fooplugin_settings from your

However, the created file is not needed, so if you don’t use custom settings at all, just delete the file.

Admin site

GDAPS provides support for the Django admin site. The built-in GdapsPlugin model automatically are added to Django’s admin site, and can be administered there.


As GdapsPlugin database entries must not be edited directly, they are shown read-only in the admin. Please use the ‘syncplugins’ management command to update the fields from the file system. However, you can enable/disable or hide/show plugins via the admin interface.

If you want to disable the built-in admin site for GDAPS, or provide a custom GDAPS ModelAdmin, you can do this using:

    "ADMIN": False


If you are using Django signals in your plugin, we recommend to put them into a signals submodule. Import it then from the AppConfig.ready() method.

def ready(self):
    # Import signals if necessary:
    from . import signals  # NOQA

See also

Don’t overuse the ready method. Have a look at the Django documentation of ready().