
Plugin configuration and metadata



class gdaps.api.interfaces.ITemplatePluginMixin

A mixin that can be inherited from to build renderable plugins.

Create an interface that inherits from ITemplatePluginMixin. Each implementation must either have a template (direct string HTML template, for short ones) or template_name (which points to the template to render).

You can add fixed context, or override get_plugin_context which receives the context of the view the plugin is rendered in.

In your template, use ` {% load gdaps %} <ul class="alerts"> {% render_plugin IMyListItem %} </ul> ` in your template anywhere, and all of your implementations are rendered, one after each other, in a line. Each plugin can come from another app. You can change the order of the rendering using the weight attribute.

context = {}
get_plugin_context(context: django.template.context.Context) → django.template.context.Context

Override this method to add custom context to the plugin.


context – the context where the plugin is rendered in. You can update it with own values, and return it. The return variable of this function will be the context of the rendered plugin. So if you don’t update the passed context, but just return a new one, the plugin will not get access to the global context.

Per default, it merges the plugin’s context attribute into the given global context.

template = ''
template_name = ''
weight = 0

Helper functions